IASH Intro Sound Healing Workshop, New York City, USA, April 3, 2019
An internationally acclaimed, Mind, Body, Spirit detoxification and realignment workshop with world’s one of the most amazing & powerful, Sound healing instruments IASH Singing Bowls.
This workshop covers different aspects of Sound Healing with scientific lecture, Audiovisual presentations & live demonstrations of the different form of healing and therapies with Singing bowls to heal several kinds of modern lifestyle health disorders with a very practical approach & effortless in our day to day life.
This is one of the world’s most unique workshop, offered by “International Academy of Sound Healing”, with tremendous success and global recognition, worldwide, to help people in their quest to bring balance & harmony in each facet of their lives i.e. Good health, Better Relationship, Prosperity & Spirituality.
IASH Sound Therapies with Singing Bowls is a scientific & proven modality and has been accepted with tremendous approval in Europe, USA & Orient and is becoming the forerunner of Sound Therapy, worldwide.
Salient features of the workshop:
- Introduction to Science of Sound Healing
- Experience the life-transforming healing powers of SOUND in one of the world’s most amazing Meditation Session with Singing Bowls
- Explanation & Demonstration How SOUND can be applied in our day to day life to heal & help us with several kinds of physical, mental & emotional disorders.
- Question & Answer Session
…..View Morehttps://iash.in/intro-sound-healing-workshop/
City: New York City
Country: USA
Venue : Well Space Curative, 736 Broadway, 9th Floor, New York City – 10003
April 3, 2019, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Workshop Facilitator: Maestro SATYA
1. An internationally acclaimed & world renowned authority on Sound healing.
2. Master Certified, Sound Healer & Teacher.
3. Founder & CEO of International Academy of Sound Healing
Workshop Coordinator in New York:
Zoltan Laczai
Email: info@iash.us
Ph: +1(347)239-5400
Contribution Cost:
USD 39
Limited Seats, Register Now !!!
Enrollment Limit : 30 participants Only.
Pay via PayPal; you can pay with your credit card if you don’t have a PayPal account.